Monday, October 15, 2007

Since so many legislators seem to be unwilling to listen

to the people back home(something about D.C. living seems to cause a kind of 'pattern' deafness), I have an idea on how to get their attention. Since he has a incredibly hugelyslightly larger reach to people than I do, I sent it to Glenn Beck:
Since they keep doing things we've already made known we don't want them to do- like trying to sneak the illegal alien amnesty through AGAIN- maybe they're just not really paying attention.
So, to get their attention, might I suggest some gift boxes for some legislators. They should contain:
A piece of wood to represent a rail,
A small bag of feathers,
A piece of tar.
If they're truly too stupid to understand the reference to being tarred, feathered and run out of town on a rail, then they can have someone explain it to them.

What do you think?

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