Saturday, October 13, 2007

Reason #397 why so many people are thinking of lampposts and ropes

Or just building multiple gallows

Two things have been preying on my mind the last week or so. The oldest is the invitation of that treasonous slutconvicted felon Lynne Stewart to be on an ethics panel at Hofstra Law School. Besides all the other crap spewed by the school and her enablersdefenders to try and cover for this, I had the nauseating experience a few days ago of catching the Glenn Beck show on CNN. He had a clownofficial from the school on to talk about this. First thing, the contempt and disgust practically dripping off the screen from this jerk was amazing. You could see it running through his mind: "You're not even a lawyer from some state school, how DARE you question our actions?" That's strike one.

Strike two was that his answer to almost everything was to quote the defense at this post(read the comments). Repeatedly. When questioned as to why there was nothing in the information on the conference noting her disbarment, felony convictions, etc., and why- if she was a 'cautionary example'- basically everyone on the panel supported her in her actions, he went into the quote again.

Strike three was when Beck- seriously pissed off at this point- asked if he would condemn her and her actions; he said "I agree with that." Beck asked again would he say that? And here came the quote again. Beck finally asked "Do you think she was innocent?" and dipstick started the lawyerly "I did not sit in on the trial, I haven't reviewed the transcript," etc. Overall, enough to make you wish for some tar, feathers and a rail. For him and his 'panel'.

The other thing, which pisses me off even more, is the current hearings at the Supreme Court over that raping, murdering piece of walking shit Medellin. If you haven't heard about this mess, you've spent even more time in a hole than I have. If you're not familiar with it, look it up. The level of, not 'pissed off', but flat out rage this has caused is huge. And I wonder if some of the idiots pushing this have really thought it through?

Let's say the Supremes have a 5-4 decision in favor of the President and foreign court position: murdering dirtbag gets off the death sentence, and a bunch of other illegal aliens facing death for murders get the same, plus all the add-ons that will be connected to this. What happens then? A whole variety of things.

The attitude toward the Supremes goes down the toilet, and I'd agree. I think that any Justice- for that matter any politician- who says that foreign law trumps our Constitution, our laws in this country, has betrayed their oath of office, and should be treated appropriately. At least they should be thrown out of that office(preferably into the aforementioned tar), at most prosecuted(if possible, I don't know if you can and I'm too sick of this to search around for it) for it as well as being kicked out of office. If you think there's a lot of anger toward D.C. now, just wait for the announcement "The Constitution doesn't mean crap anymore."

Second, you think people are pissed at Mexico now? Bad enough having that corrupt government encouraging their people to violate our laws and then spitting on us for daring to object; here they're demanding that WE roll over for the sake of a raping, torturing murderer BECAUSE he's from Mexico.

Third, connected to the last, just what starts happening to some of these criminals in the future. Right now you've got people in border areas who have to go armed on their own ranches and farms because of the illegals and smugglers, while the border patrol and politicians play games so as not to offend Mexico. Just what the hell do these idiots think(if they bother) is going to start happening when people are faced with threats from illegals? Does the phrase 'shoot, shovel and shut up' ring a bell?

All kinds of consequences if the court makes this decision for foreign authority over our laws, these are just the big ones that come to mind right now.

Couple of days ago I heard somebody on a news show say that they think Mexico made a mistake pushing this issue for this particular murderer because the crime committed by he and his little friends was so nasty. Got a question: does anyone think it would be somehow better if Mexico had chosen a slightly less disgusting rapist/murderer for their poster boy? I don't. I think Mexico doesn't care about anything except destroying our border and our laws so they can keep using the U.S. as a safety valve to bleed off people and keep foreign money coming in. They've fucked up their own country so bad that despite huge resources people think it worth it to walk across a desert hoping for a $3/hour job, because that's better than they can get back home. Not to mention getting free health care because of our idiot politicians.

You think this is messy now? Just wait. If this comes down on the bad side, just wait until people start acting on the idea that "If the government won't do the job, we will!"

And it will happen.

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