Tuesday, October 09, 2007

On that World Council of Churches crap

The questions over that have been rattling 'round in my mind the last couple of days. I said before, I just cannot understand these people. Nobody I've ever met actually wants to kill someone else or even hurt them severely(though consideration of a kick in the ass is common); that doesn't mean that they won't pull the trigger or swing the bat or whatever and it doesn't mean they think doing so would be bad in those circumstances. Protection of yourself, your family and friends, your home, your country, these are not bad things. but we're dealing with people who've decided there's no such thing as violent and protective, that all violence is equally bad even in potential. Which I think is flat idiotic.

Anyone who actually believes that it's evil for a woman to use violence to protect herself from a rapist is freakin' insane. But they're out there. And they get a lot of latitude from people because 'their heart is in the right place' and such, or 'non-violence is not a bad idea'. I disagree on both points. 'Peace at any price' is NOT having your heart in the right place, and when it's used to excuse taking no action against evil then non-violence IS a bad idea. If you don't like calling it bad, then it's a much less good idea.

The thinking that to protect your family from an attacker is bad- actually evil in their minds- is insane. That protecting your country by force, or the threat of, is bad is equally so. But I've known a few people who otherwise seem quite intelligent who think so.

These people like to bring up Gandhi a lot. They don't like the quote I remember. He was being interviewed by someone and stated flatly that the only reason his non-violent methods worked was that he was dealing with a people as basically fair and civilized as the British; that if he'd tried it with the Soviets he, anyone else in a leadership role and quite a lot of followers would have disappeared into camps. Forever.

RobC wrote in comments "The WCC is filled with communists and athiests that deny God exists cloaked as Clergy." Which reminded me of one of the 'peace' people I've known. Back when I used to go to that folk dance group, it usually met in a Unitarian church. One night I said something about God and was told by the lady that I shouldn't say God here. I thought about that a moment and said "I can't say 'God' in a church?" "Some people don't worship God and it might make them uncomfortable for you to say that."

I might make them uncomfortable. Hearing the word 'God' said in a church.

I'll bet she just loves the WCC.

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