Saturday, October 06, 2007

If there was any doubt, the World Council of Churches

is the enemy. Not just of gun owners, of anyone who loves freedom.

I'd heard of these people before, they're part of the 'peace at any price' clowns. If you're attacked, it's at least as morally wrong for you to use violence in self-defense as it is for your attacker to rape or kill you, and so forth. You're supposed to try to understand how other people think, but in this case it's a waste of time, I just cannot understand this attitude.

More revealingly, Everitt insisted that “the government must have a monopoly on force,” according to an account by my assistant Rebekah Sharpe, who attended the meeting. He identified the obstacles to fuller gun control as “hardcore gun owners” who have a “profoundly, virulently anti-government attitude.” Many of these hardcore zealots adhere to the National Rifle Association’s ostensible belief that “if our government becomes tyrannical they have a right to take over that government, our democratically elected government!”

Mr. Everitt, since you're a citizen of this country, I'd strongly suggest you actually bother to read the Declaration of Independence. If you do, you'll see that the founder of this country noted that if a government does become tyrannical and words and voting won't fix it, we DO have the right to take it back from the tyrants and their buttmonkeys. It's not the NRA's 'ostensible belief': it's the right of a free people.

Of course, you don't seem to care much for the idea of 'free people' if it involves people not doing what you tell them to. Or them being willing to fight in self-defense.

Apparently uninformed about the political thought behind America’s founding, Everitt cluelessly asked: “If we love to say that we’re the freest country, then why [do]… our elected representatives… talk about getting government out of people’s lives? If you’re so proud of democracy then acknowledge that government had some role in that.” Undoubtedly, the “Living Letters” must have been nodding their heads. The South Africa “Letter” responded: “Yes… the right wing out there wants to de-legitimize government… [If we give in to them] we are playing into the hands of the forces of chaos.”

This idiot actually believes that we can't be 'free' unless the government is directing our lives in every possible way. I repeat, I just cannot understand this mindset. And "...the forces of chaos.", yet. This may be hard for you to understand, Mr. South African letter, but freedom is messy. It's loud and obnoxious and it means people do things they choose to, not what you choose for them. You think this is chaos? Things are very orderly in the life of a slave, and it's very 'peaceful', which must have some attraction for you. I much prefer the mess, thank you very much.

I repeat, these people are the enemy. And I'm glad, because I'd hate for them to be my ally.

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