Monday, October 22, 2007

Aww, poor babies!

A while back a law was passed in OK that "will make it a felony to transport, conceal or shelter an undocumented immigrant from detection and also prevents illegal immigrants from getting jobs and public assistance." So of course the 'protect the illegals' groups are filing lawsuits. Apparently they think there's something unconstitutional about trying to catch illegal aliens and send them back to wherever. Or preventing them from looting the public purse for their health care and for welfare benefits.

KTOK just had a blurb on their news about having interviewed the head clown in charge of a local hispanic group who whined about how many illegals have left this state before the law goes into effect, and how many others are 'hiding out' and wanting to leave. He thinks this is a bad, nasty, unfeeling thing for us to cause. I think you can probably guess my thoughts on this, but just in case:
Attention, sir:
Despite your not seeming to care about this, I will say it plainly: they are NOT 'undocumented workers', they are illegal aliens. That means they came here illegally. That means they broke the law to get here, they broke the law staying here, and they should leave. While you're whining about how horrible it is for people to want to do something about the illegals causing all kinds of problems, it's just amazing that you seem to have no words for the countries- Mexico being a big offender here- that are so screwed up that their governments would rather see their people coming here illegally so they can send U.S. money back home, than try to fix their own damn country. So screw you.

That is all.

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