Monday, October 01, 2007

Apparently, we're costing Putin and the Russkies

a considerable amount of business.
The September 6 Israeli air raid in Syria has been a major setback for Russian arms sales. The Syrians had invested heavily in new Russian air defense systems, and the Israelis apparently brushed right by them.

Back in the First Gulf War, or the First Battle of Iraq, you may remember that on Day 1, the F117 bombers flew right through the Soviet-made air defense radars and all the AAA and blew the crap out of their targets. And kept doing so. The Russians, in the aftermath, were very wordy about "Well, we didn't sell them our VERY top-of-the-line equipment; if they'd had that stuff, the Americans would have been shot down left and right!" Uh huh. Right. And, as I recall, it turned out the Russians had sent a couple of generals to 'advise' Saddam's forces on using the stuff.

Now the Israelis waltz through the stuff and wipe out a tippy-top-secret installation. If the Russians say "Well, we didn't sell them the Very Best Stuff", Assad will be having some words with them, I'd think. And I doubt anybody would believe them.

Yeah, the Israeli and American, and I don't doubt some other countries intel and air forces are enjoying the hell out of this.

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