Wednesday, October 31, 2007

And the 'activists' continue

to work at helping illegal aliens violate the law. Specifically, in trying to keep House Bill 1804 from going into effect. From The McCarville Report:
The law, which takes effect Thursday, has sparked intense fear in the Hispanic community that families will be separated, several speakers said."We're asking for a moratorium on all raids, arrests and deportations until such a time as our Congress assumes the responsibility of an immigration law that is just and comprehensive," said the Rev. Victor Orta, president of the American Dream Coalition. (emphasis mine)
Got that? Not just a hold on this particular law, but ALL 'raids, arrests and deportations'. Until- they hope- the clowns in Congress can sneak an amnesty bill through.

Then, as of Monday the 29th:
A federal lawsuit challenging the law, which goes into effect Thursday, was refiled last week. It added eight illegal alien lawbreakersundocumented residents who plan to testify that they will face eviction from their landlords unless they provide legal identification, such as a social security card, as required by the new law. The other plaintiffs include the National Coalition of Latino Clergy and two churches.

Just gotta love it. "Your Honor, if this law goes into effect, these people who are here illegally will be evicted from their dwelling, just because they're illegal. And that's not right! It's not fair!"

And, of course, the author of the bill, along with anyone who supports it, is an evil racist. Doesn't matter that it says 'illegal aliens', they know who you mean...

I can't find the article right now, but the Attorney General has asked the challenge currently filed to be tossed because 'nobody in the suit can show they've been harmed'. Personally, I'd think a better statement would be: "Your Honor, these people are here to claim that enforcing our laws is 'bad', and that criminals- people who snuck into this country illegally- should be able to sue to prevent the law from being enforced. We ask you to throw this suit out on the basis of idiocy and that criminals shouldn't be allowed to come into our courts and say "We don't like your laws, and we don't want to obey them, so leave us alone!"

We're hearing lots of things about how 'people are worried, there are concerns about families being torn apart, illegalsundocumented workers are leaving for fear of being deported' and on and on. Know what? I Don't Care. I'm sick to death of being told I'm a racist for wanting the damn law enforced. I'm sick of being told that people here illegally deserve special considerations when they commit more crimes. I'm sick of crap like this:
Advocates for immigrants say the vast majority of the undocumented people in the U.S. are hard workers who are just trying to feed their families and keep a roof over their heads.

They also say that many of the people pushing the hardest for immigration reform describe themselves as Christians yet seem to be lacking the compassion for which Jesus is known.

They wonder whether the real motive behind measures such as HB 1804 is racism.

I'm sick of a bunch of clowns claiming "We are true Christians" saying they'll help these illegals break the law and daring the cops to do anything about it. Yeah, Christ said a lot about "Thou must aid politically correct criminals in their transgressions", didn't he?

Add to it that all too many of these clowns who think multiple-murderers who happen to be illegals deserve special considerations also tend to be people who think our troops are somewhat subhuman, and
a serious amount of disgust has entered my life.

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