Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Some general things

Dozens died in Syria-Iran missile test:
Proof of cooperation between Iran and Syria in the proliferation and development of weapons of mass destruction was brought to light Monday in Jane's Defence Weekly, which reported that dozens of Iranian engineers and 15 Syrian officers were killed in a July 23 accident in Syria.

What do you call dozens of dead Iranian missile engineers and 15 Syrian officers? A start.

More problems at the State Department:
"Dissent within the State Department, particularly from a guy who doesn’t like the administration, who goes outside the policy and tries to put focus on himself, there’s nothing unusual about it," he said, adding that most career diplomats were Democrats. "If you don’t have dissent at the State Department, there’s probably a Democrat in office."

This should be known as 'more proof the striped-pants weenies at State think they should run the worldcountry. And should be canned.'

Gee, school choice actually works! The only problem I have is with this:
The second replaced the money for public schools that was lost when a student used the vouchers. If the school is no longer responsible for teaching/caring for that student, THEY DON'T NEED THAT MONEY. But even with that crap, this is a program that's showing strong results. Good for it.

And last, Captain's Quarters notes this piece of... I'm not sure what to call it. Anything that starts with I know why I chose Columbia: the campus is magnificent, the education is top-tier, and my peers are intelligent. I could look at a stranger, tell him or her that I went to Columbia, and hear the predictable, “Wow, you must be smart.”, tells you that disconnected BS is following. In large amounts.

Come on, people, there's no way that anybody with three working brain cells to rub together CANNOT know that it's a military adademy; how could 'Naval Academy' not register? And this:
She begged me to call a naval lieutenant Monday morning to start the out-processing forms for my brother.
Yeah, I'm sure the brother was just freakin' thrilled to find out that his mom and sister tried to get him out. Without asking his thoughts on the matter, of course; after all, he chose to go there so he's obviously too stupid to know what's good for him.

And she's mad because he couldn't call mommy and her more than occasionally. Hey, lady, when my son was in Army Basic, barring emergency(real ones, not freaked-out relatives), no calls. Period. Letters you could write and receive, but no phones or e-mail. So shut the hell up and let your brother get what really is a top-class education as well as Navy training.

God, some of these people...

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