Saturday, September 22, 2007

Rachel Lucas Torments Dogs

Film at ten

After being directed to her site by Kevin on a different matter, I ran across this. Take note: not only does she do this, she's trying to pull her boyfriend into this horrible plot against canine dignity. Happily, the boyfriend is standing firm.

What IS it with women doing nasty things like this to dogs? It's not enough to get a poodle, it's got to have some disgusting haircut that makes it look like George Michael's date after they leave the men's room in the park. Or tie little ribbons on their head. Gah.

When I was going with what later turned into my second ex, one evening I went over to watch a movie. She had a dog that looked a lot like a husky(can't remember the breed) with long off-white fur, and every summer she'd have the fur cut short. She'd had that done the day before. I walked into the living room, looked out the window to the back yard and stopped moving. I may have stopped breathing for a moment. Fur cut short, except for the poofy ball at the tip of his tail. I think my actual words were "God, what did you do to him?"

She smiled and informed me that A: she thought it was cute, and (you know this is coming) B: "He likes it."

"He LIKES it?" At this point the dog heard us and looked in. And saw me looking at him. I swear, he ducked his head and looked away. "Look him! He's ashamed!" She looked out the window and saw him hiding his face, and she actually looked shocked. "Look at that!" as he turned his head enough to look, saw us and turned away again, "He's wondering just what he did to be treated this way! Just look at that face: "Mom, what did I do to deserve this?" "

Oh, that was a merry evening for a while. And yeah, that SHOULD have been a warning.

His fur grew back out and the poof on his tail disappeared, and I made sure to act like I didn't see a thing until then. But DAMN, what a thing to do to a dog.

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