Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Why I have a label of "Liberal 'thought' "

Couple of days ago Kim had this post, which led to the article. I just read it, and out of all the "Oh, God..." things in it, this one really seems to sum up what's wrong not just in Britain, but with a bunch of the nanny-state weenies we have to deal with here:
There's at least a vague agreement among progressive people that if you live in reasonable accommodation you are asking for trouble. To occupy a decent house, after all, is to provoke the less fortunate.

Think about that. If you work hard and save up and have a nice house, you're 'asking for trouble'. Not 'you worked hard and succeeded', not 'if he can make it, others can'. Oh, no, working and succeeding is 'asking for trouble'.

I need to practice tying a noose.

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