Sunday, July 01, 2007

Why the hell didn't Blair say this

a couple of years ago? Good God, he's been making excuses for muslims and being the PC chief for years, but starting a little before his leaving office, all of a sudden we hear sense on the matter? One reason I despise most politicians: even when there're literal life and death matters involved they wet that finger and stick it in the wind before they'll say anything. And all too often they don't give a crap about the wind from most people, only from the 'elites' they want to suck up to.

Which brings up, was he lying about his beliefs then? Or has he recently had a change of heart on some matters? Right now I don't bloody care.

Check out Malkin's piece, has links on the attacks in Britain. Including one on the on-the-other-side mayor of London, whose mind I don't want to understand.

It's really been amazing the snotty comments from some along the lines of "They didn't actually hurt anyone, so it couldn't really be classed as terrorism, so why are we worried? We should be worried about the fascists calling it terrorism", etc. Absolutely bloody insane. It's like telling a woman "Well, he didn't actually rape you, so why are you so upset?" when her attacker was chased off. Damn, these people are gonna get us all killed.

I wonder if Blair is going to have another personal revelation and start speaking positively about the right to self-defense, even if you have to whack the robber/rapist/murderer breaking into your house? Or is that still too un-PC for him?

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