Saturday, July 14, 2007

Update on Haditha

Or, as I should say, the Haditha railroad some troops for fun and profit travesty of justice. I wrote about this a couple of times, the last here. The other day I found something which led to Blackfive(here and here), to Pundit Review(here), to Let Freedom Ring(here) and to Michelle Malkin(here).

Short version, as PR put it, "Murtha’s guilty verdict in Haditha case overturned by actual evidence". The case(such as it was) seems to have pretty much fallen apart, leaving a lot of people with questions for that slimy little politician Murtha(Pond Scum/PA). And the little bastard ducking and hiding.

I don't know if it's possible for the Marines he called murderers to take him to court for it; I hope they can. Because with Pelosi in charge of the house, the chances of the censure he deserves(at a minimum) are just about zero.

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