Monday, July 30, 2007

Putting pieces together

Eric at Classical Values has this post on digging out details of a possible murder in Philadelphia, which ends up with:
OK, if we play detective by piecing the three stories together, the following becomes the factual scenario:
  • Jason Brewer was murdered;
  • in a robbery;
  • at a residence;
  • where he did not live;
  • where his companion was also wounded during the same robbery;
  • As a whodunit, doesn't this just cry out for more detail?

    I'd tend to think so. For instance, who was robbing who? And was this murder, or bad guy being shot by intended victim?

    Down toward the end he leads us to this article, basically on the subject of 'nasty suburban(white) people don't care about black people in the city dying. Except for a few saints. Think I'm kidding?
    Whenever I write about Philadelphia's homicide crisis, I hear from suburban readers who think it's a waste of space.

    Poor black people killing poor black people, thugs shooting thugs - why should we cry?

    Having informed us that people in the suburbs(apparently all white, no blacks/latinos/whatever need apply) don't care about those nasty minority types in the city dying, she brings out her saint:
    The Jenkintown graphic designer is obsessed with the death toll - already over 200 - even though the bullets aren't flying anywhere near the home and family he holds dear.
    and goes from there.

    This is one of the people Alphecca noted had fits over "...Philly-based Urban Outfitters for selling $6 handgun Christmas ornaments in a city ravaged by bullets." Who's now got a poster- made with police department help- to find sponsors for.

    It's really fairly standard crap: white people don't care about black people dying, guns are evil, we need more laws, etc. Major Media at its finest.

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