Saturday, July 28, 2007

Just a combination of things

For the enviroweenie on your eat it, you jerk!gift list, Kim has linked to a truly incredible(well, disgusting too) piece at Civilization Watch on- among other things- just how that bullcrap 'hockey stick' graph the True Believers In Globular Warmering use(still, despite it being shown up as crap) to try to beat people into submission. For a moment, I thought about sending this link to the friend I had the big go-round with, but decided not to; after I said I wasn't going to play that game anymore it settled back into friendly terms, and, her being one of the True Believers, I'd just get to hear the "All the TRUE scientists believe!" stuff again.

As to the Beauchamp the Slimy mess, Confederate Yankee has a whole lot of stuff; just start working your way down, it's worth it. Same at Ace of Spades. Chris noted in a comment that the guy could be facing serious charges; at one of the many posts somebody(I've lost track of which one) checked with a Army official and was told he couldn't comment because of the 'ongoing investigation'. Like nobody saw that coming. Write about atrocities and general dirtbag behaviour on the part of your whole damn unit, and you'd be surprised that someone from CID shows up and says "We need to talk"?

A columnist in Canada says 'stop blaming guns and poverty and all the usual feel-good crap, and start looking at what's truly behind these problems'. Look for the 'human rights' people to try to crucify him at their earliest opportunity.

The Relapsed Catholic was wondering why military decorations could be bought online. She gets the answer. I could buy a hat and unit insignia for my son's unit to put up on the wall or something, but it would be flat wrong for me to wear it as if I'd served in that unit. Or to buy a medal and act as if I'd earned it; such things have been known to cause a severe ass-kickingproblems for idiots and/or posers who've done it.

And a piece from the UK Times on how activist lawyers are causing problems in fighting terrorists. He also notes that a lot of European countries who bitch and whine about Guantanamo aren't exactly squeaky-clean in their treatment of terror suspects.

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