Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Webbed paws my ass,

I think the dog is trying to build a raft.

It's been a wet year. Very wet. Bunch of ice and sleet in winter, rains in March(about average I believe), lot of rain in April and May. June alone has dropped more rain than the state received all last year.

Yesterday evening I checked my rain gauge: an even three inches over the previous 24-36 hours, most of it within the last twelve. And it's rained(lightly) off and on all day; not enough to start puddling again but enough to keep things from having a chance to dry any. And there's a flash flood watch for this area up into Thursday morning. A low pressure system just keeps sitting where it pumps moisture up into the region, which keeps feeding the rains.

Dark green in flood watch, lighter green is flood warnings and statements. One county was telling people not to try driving on county roads because A: they hadn't been able to get around enough to survey where was flooded and bridge/road damage, and B: they were out of 'road closed' signs. Some of which had been washed away.

Lots of roads with water running over them, dangerous as hell; no matter what's happened before or how often you tell them, some people think you can drive through this stuff. A foot of running water can push a car off the road, eighteen inches can take a truck or bus.

Damn, this has equaled, maybe passed, the wettest month I remember before this. I've got leaves falling off the rose bushes from being too wet for too long. It's gotta break sometime. I hope.

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