Saturday, June 30, 2007

The God-cursed politicians keep opening their yaps

and crapping on real heroes, but it seems people are getting a mite testy about it.
This lunatic judgment reduced first hundreds, then thousands of ARRSE-posters to gibbering outrage. The next day, a post popped up from Kieran O'Rourke of Howe & Co, saying they were Mr Pun's solicitors, working pro bono and preparing to appeal the Home Office decision. They'd set up an online campaign:, which you should look up; it reduced me to choked snuffles.

Amazing, isn't it? The same politicians who make excuses for and find reasons not to deport islamists who call for mass murder turn right around and dump on people who've bled for the country. Happily, at least sometimes, enough outrage can make a difference. Next step:
Howe & Co's next campaign is for L/Cpl Gyanendra Rai, who fought and nearly died at Bluff Cove in the Falklands. He was saved by British Army doctors, who grafted skin from a British soldier on to his appalling wounds. He still suffers from his wounds, but gets no pension at all, having been invalided out before he finished his 15 years. Look him up: his story will make you howl.

Here's hoping Kim's right about the day Stout Bulldogs hang the bastards responsible for these decisions. If they agree, comes The Day, we can make room on a long gallows for some of the idiots in positions of power over here, too. Maybe find an island in the Atlantic for all of them, where the smell as the bodies rot won't disturb the neighbors.

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