Friday, June 29, 2007

And a week before the anniversary of the 7/7 bombs Updated

in London, it appears the BPMs are trying it again.

I just had one of my occasional chances to see cable, and Fox is saying the police have confirmed it was a 'massive' explosive device inside a car, including both explosives and nails, found after "bouncers from a nearby night club had reported that someone had crashed a blue Mercedes sedan into garbage bins and ran away."

Sounds like someone had an owie on the way to wherever and ran; no word as to whether the vehicle was disabled by the crash or the jerk just panicked and ran. Which does bring up the questions as to where they planned to use it and when.

You think that maybe, just maybe, this might be enough to kick some of the pc-at-any-cost politicians into maybe doing something about the BPMs? At the least, ought to get the potentialplanned victims to have some words about it.

Update: Well, so much for first reports.

A second car bomb was found. According to the latest stuff I've seen(here and here), the first one was spotted by an ambulance crew saw 'smoke' coming from a car parked in front of a nightclub. The second?
The second was in a car that was illegally parked nearby and towed to the Park Lane car pound.

Staff there alerted police because "it smelled of gas."
Think about that. And think about the tow truck driver wondering why he didn't get blown up when he hooked it up.

Stepping way outside my pay grade, I'm going to make some guesses. First, the bombers didn't know their business very well. Neither went off(in the case of the first, if something was 'smoking' they may have tried to trigger it; the second 'smelled of gas' so either a bottle was leaking or the detonator didn't work or both), and neither had anti-tamper devices added in(which is also why the police officer who decided to defuse the first didn't get blown to hell).

Second, trying to set off two car bombs in crowded streets, this was no 'let's scare some people' idea, they wanted massive casualties. Which does bring up a side question: was the second supposed to go off about the same time, or were they planning to set it off when the rescue/recovery effort was going on?

Third, you'd think, after hearing about something like the first bomb, people checking abandoned or illegally parked cars nearby would, oh, be looking inside for anything suspicious(gas bottles for instance) before towing it. Either the possibility of another bomb never entered their mind or this attitude is very prevalent: "Sure, it's disturbing, and obviously it reminds everyone of 7/7," said Ian Hiskos, 32, eating at a cafe across the block from the police cordon on Haymarket. "I try not to think about these things." Which is a very damned dumb attitude in anyone, even more so in people checking cars.

Last, this idiotic claim:
Police believe they have foiled a major terror attack and said if the Haymarket bomb had gone off it could have caused "significant injury or loss of life". No, they didn't foil the plot: the terrorists were incompetent. And they can't count on that.

Neither can we.

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