Saturday, May 19, 2007

Gun Show

this weekend. One of the better ones. Looked around and found some bits & pieces, and some ammo. Found out that:
Ammo prices have gone up on a lot of stuff. Again.
M1 Carbine parts from some vendors are priced at ridiculous levels.
M1 Carbines themselves, bloody amazing. Fairly standard mixmaster carbines people are asking $800 and $1k for.

My favorite ammo dealer had, among other good stuff, .303 British ball. Both some Pakistani stuff(32-round boxes), and Brit-manufactured ball, on clips in bandoliers, $16 per bando.

The Paki stuff is uncertain. When I first got an Enfield I bought a bunch of it, and it was great: sure-fire and accurate and cheaper than anything else. Last batch I saw, lots of reports of click-bangs and some flat duds. This recent import stuff is supposed to be pretty good, if I go back to the show Sunday I may pick up a box or two.

Between at work late last night, woke up early and been busy all day, I've had it. See you later.

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