Monday, April 23, 2007

There are some people who need- BADLY to be reminded

of two things. First, that the 1st Amendment applies to ALL, even when they say something bad about Islam and second, This crap ain't gonna be tolerated:
Imam Fouad ElBayly, president of the Johnstown Islamic Center, was among those who objected to Hirsi Ali's appearance.

"She has been identified as one who has defamed the faith. If you come into the faith, you must abide by the laws, and when you decide to defame it deliberately, the sentence is death," said ElBayly, who came to the U.S. from Egypt in 1976.

Although ElBayly believes a death sentence is warranted for Hirsi Ali, he stressed that America is not the jurisdiction where such a crime should be punished. Instead, Hirsi Ali should be judged in a Muslim country after being given a trial, he added.

"If it is found that a person is mentally unstable, or a child or disabled, there should be no punishment," he said. "It's a very merciful religion if you try to understand it."

At least, it won't be tolerated by the non-pc people who think your belief system is a plague upon the earth. Which it is. And if you and your buttmonkeys think she'd be somehow abducted and taken to some place where you have power, have five words for you: Ain't No Way In Hell.

Found thanks to His Majesty

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