Friday, April 13, 2007

I don't read Bill Whittle often enough,

especially since(in this case speaking of Rosie O'Donnell and other conspiracy idiots) he writes things like this:
"This is the first time in history that fire has ever melted steel," she said. This is a statement of such pristine and perfect idiocy that it surely must be emblazoned in stone across the entrance to the Physics Imbecile wing of the Moron Museum of Natural History. But mastery of physics and engineering requires some intelligence, some perseverance and some discipline: none of which are in evidence in this buffoon. Everything is a conspiracy to a mind this far gone. The 15 British sailors kidnapped at sea? All a plan by our evil (but incompetent!) government to get the next war it so desperately needs. “Gulf of Tonkin! Google It, people!” she said on national TV.

And I will, Rosie. I promise. As soon as I finish googling MAD COW DISEASE.


I remember first hearing about this"A fire from an airplane couldn't melt the steel in the building!" crap from people who, for the most part, never tried working hot steel, let along melting(or burning, but that was an accident) it. Ignoring that tens of thousands of gallons of jet fuel, burning in a smashed up building that's now acting as a chimney to an extent, probably could flat melt it, the fact is it doesn't have to. Which is what I explained to someone at the time.

Take a steel rod that you can't bend. Light a torch and heat part of the center to a low red heat and then try to bend it; chances are you can, more easily than you might think. Heat-treated steel, whether structural or in a blade or spring, starts losing strength as soon as the temperature is high enough to affect that heat treatment. Get a spring up to 500 to 600 degrees(depending on alloy and use) and it's lost its ability to be a spring; that heat is enough to remove the internal stresses that make it springy.

So if you have steel beams supporting a huge weight, both of building and wind load and etc., and get those beams hot, they don't have to melt; they get hot enough and they lose so much strength that they can't support everything anymore. Add that to the damage of having a freaking jetliner crash into the building...

Part of all this mess, as Mr. Whittle so well points out, is one simple, glaring fact: you cannot keep something that big a secret. Remember that old saying that "Three people can keep a secret, if two of them are dead"? But, according to these monster-level idiots like O'Donnell, hundreds- maybe even thousands- of people can keep anyone from finding any 'proof' that the gummint did it(let's not forget that among people like that, you'd damn sure find some who'd sell the story for enough money).

Oh, hell, just go read it; he covers it all very well.

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