Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Crime in Canada and dhimmitude- and stupidity- in Britain

For the first, I present this thread I ran across at High Road which links to this article on crime rates. Interesting reading. The problem with something like this is that different countries figure the numbers differently(remember England figuring 'homicide' numbers so as to lower the stats?), and I don't have time to dig into this to check it out.

As to the second, Kim and others noted this piece of amazing dumbassery and cowardice:
Schools are dropping controversial subjects from history lessons - such as the Holocaust and the Crusades - because teachers do not want to cause offence, Government research has found.
I say cowardice specifically because of two points:
And one school avoided teaching the Crusades because its "balanced" handling of the topic would directly contradict what was taught in local mosques.
The report said the teachers feared confronting "anti-Semitic sentiment and Holocaust denial among some Muslim pupils".
Both of which translate to "We're scared of the muslim community and don't want to upset them. And the government will screw us over if we do. It's all in the holy name of 'tolerance', you see." Etc. Just read the whole damn thing.

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