Saturday, March 31, 2007

Will Rogers was the first one,

speaking of the weather around here, to say "You don't like the weather? Wait a couple of hours." As example, when last I took note of this it was bloody pouring and blowing like a hurricane. And, I found out today, radar showed a circulation that passed over the Fair site.

By 8p.m., the heavy had all stopped, just a few sprinkles. This morning just a few scattered clouds and downright chilly, at least compared to the last few days. Hit somewhere in the 60's today with nothing more than a few clouds and should be a bit warmer tomorrow.

The site had one shallow lake, a few small ponds and a whole lot of mud this morning, but conditions improved with both the sun, and the cooler, drier air that moved in last night. Should be pretty good tomorrow. With the exception of the lake disappearing, as my daughter noted a whole bunch of dogs today who saw the water and happily ran to the limit of their leash into it; the dogs'll be as upset about it not being there as their owners were about the dogs turning into used mops.

Ah well, to bed.

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