Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Got busy this evening,

so can't do the other range report. About the time I finished dinner friend said "I think my car is leaking gas, can you take a look at it?". So there went part of the evening.

Happily, not much as this turned out to be a simple fix. She'd mentioned it was also making a hissing sound so had her start it. And it not only hissed, it idled with somewhat less smoothness than an overloaded tumbler. So I dug around and found the vacuum hose that'd come off, pushed it back on and the engine hesitated, almost died, then smoothed out. Pair of pliers to compress the lock and slide it back into place, and done.

The gas smell? I think it was blowing from somewhere and she just thought it was her car; it's been blowing like standing in front of a hurricane machine and it could have come from another car or a gas station. No sign, either sight or smell, of gasoline where it shouldn't be.

Speaking of gas. I made fried chicken, garlic-rosemary roasted potatoes and milk gravy for dinner, and-while very good- I'd forgotten the way milk sometimes works through my system. By the time I got home I'd started producing enough gas for Algore to accuse me of being a Gaia-threatening source of methane. Which seems to have about run the course, so I won't have to worry about blowing the covers off tonight.

I know it's not all that fascinating, but I've got to write about something. And my (temporary) ability to produce enough flammables to drive my truck to work tomorrow is definitely 'something'.

Which for some reason reminds me that I need to find a habenero plant for the garden, hopefully one a little hotter than those I found the last two years. I really like the flavor these give to things.

Aye, well, the day's done and I'm tired.

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