Tuesday, March 27, 2007

And through the good offices of Mugwug

We find this:
1. Make sure they are breathing. Yes? Good. No? Adjust head position. Don't worry about spinal injuries. If they ain't breathing, they don't care, so you shouldn't either.

Go, and read it all.

Some years back, while helping some friends pack to move, wife came over and said "There's been a terrible accident, you should go do something", or words to that effect. I went out back and Damn! she wasn't kidding. One vehicle rolled over in the (happily wide) median, one smashed up but upright. By the time I got there I found
The two people in the upright car were conscious, not bleeding, and sitting dazed,
The lady still in the overturned car was hanging in her seat belt(older car, no shoulder belt),
One kid had been ejected and was laying in the grass.

The kid wasn't bleeding and was conscious so I just shaded his eyes from the sun. Then two guys with a crowbar started prying the door of the car open to get to the lady. I started yelling "When you get it open, don't move her!" One of the said something about "We've got to get her out!" but someone else added in "He's right! Don't move her, wait for the ambulance!", and between us they listened. She was fairly solidly anchored by the belt so she wasn't going to fall out, so I didn't try to argue about the door.

Right after that was settled two ladies came over and wanted to put a towel under the kid 'so the grass won't itch'. I kept pointing out(far too politely; I should have said "God-dammit, NO!") that it would be a Bad Thing to move him around, and they kept insisting they needed to 'do something'. God knows how many people have been injured worse because somebody just HAD to do SOMETHING.

Finally the first ambulance arrived(amazing how long it seems with things like that going on) and the pros took over, and I got out of the way.

All this memory sparked by this line:It is perfectly acceptable to DO NOTHING most of the time...

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