Thursday, February 22, 2007

Gresham gets it

Smallest Minority pointed to this post by Gresham which pretty much covers it.

One thing he points out is the end result the Brady Gun-Ban Group and the Violence Policy Center Gun Ban Organization(my name for the bastards) desire:
To gun banners, there is no such thing as a good gun. They want them all. When Tom Diaz, of the Violence Policy Center, was on Gun Talk, I forced him to admit that he would like to ban all guns. What about the police, I asked. Once we get all the other guns, he said, the police won't need their guns, either.

So if you're a cop, in their world you'll have a nightstick and a can of Mace, and that's it. Becuase "We banned guns, so you don't need to carry one anymore".

And we all know the criminals will turn theirs in. Right?

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