Saturday, February 24, 2007

Don't you just love the idea of living under sharia law?

"I must tell my brothers and sisters that finding a cure (vaccination) for an epidemic before its outbreak is not allowed in Sharia ," said Maulana Fazlullah during a Friday sermon in Mam Dherai village where he is building a madrassa with local funds.

Yes, MUCH better to have your kids dying of or being crippled by polio than use a vaccine, right? Because then the kids will be martyrs.

Ignorant, hate-filled, bigoted, freaking barbarians. Maulana Fazlullah suspects the intentions of foreign agencies involved in funding drives against fatal diseases: “I don’t understand why foreigners would think of our well-being when we see that they are killing Muslims in Afghanistan and Iraq.” He cited the example of a companion of the Prophet who, he said, was ‘martyred’ during an epidemic.
Maybe because the ones being killed are murdering terrorists, and here people are trying to keep your kids safe from a nasty disease? Maybe because we actually care about life as opposed to your worship of death, you God-cursed idiot? And you ARE an idiot. Saleem accidentally sets off his bomb and dies, "He's a martyr!" Abdul crashes into a tree and "The jooos caused it, he's a martyr!" You ever think that, just maybe, if you stopped blaming everybody else for your problems and stopped excusing every damn thing by naming someone a 'martyr' you might actually accomplish something? Besides getting people killed, at least?

Dammit, this crap is enough to ruin your good mood.

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