Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Ok, a bit more on the Institute that lawyer works for

from this post. Just did a little searching, and aside from press release-type stuff on how wonderful they are, not much. So I checked Front Page Mag and found this, which lists it as "A Detroit-area Islamic organization", of itself not a condemnatory thing. Except that further along in the article, speaking of the study, we find "In addition, before the study’s release, the Council on American-Islamic Relations, the leading militant Islamic organization in the United States, trumpeted the results on its website; and its spokesman, Ibrahim Hooper, lost no time exploiting the alleged results of Bagby’s study"(emphasis mine) Which does bother me: CAIR has shown itself to be, let us say, not a friend to the United States.

So at this time I'd have to say we've got an organization that probably does not have the best interests of this country at heart. As if the 'get rid of parts of the Constitution' didn't tell us that already.

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