Saturday, January 13, 2007

More from the RoP

sharia law and other wonders of the muslim way of seeing things.

From Powerline:
According to her account, Nazanin was with her sixteen-yeare-old niece and their two boyfriends when they were approached by three men who tried to rape them. The boyfriends fled, and Nazanin defended herself with a knife she carried in her purse. She stabbed one of the men, who later died. So far, at least, I haven't seen any version of the facts that differs materially from Nazanin's account.

Nazanin was prosecuted for murder and sentenced to hang. The verdict was apparently set aside by an ayatollah, and she is due to be retried tomorrow, January 10.

Isn't it just wonderful? I mean, since you need the testimony of four men to prove rape, obviously she's lying and deserves to die, the sorry female, right?

From Gates of Vienna:
There has been a spike in the number of rape charges in Scandinavia in recent years. It has reached near epidemic proportions in Sweden. Although there are indications of a very high percentage of Muslim immigrants on the statistics, as it is with other kinds of crime, immigration is a non-issue for the political establishment a few weeks ahead of the Swedish national elections.

In neighboring Norway, there is an unprecedented rape wave in the capital city of Oslo. “We have to be realistic. A series of rapes have made Oslo unsafe during the summer,” says Brit Opjordsmoen from DIXI, support centre for rape victims. “When we know that there are rapists on the loose in Oslo, we have to listen to advice from the police. They are right in warning women against going home alone at night.”
However, Aftenposten seems conveniently enough to have forgotten an article they printed five years ago. In 2001, two out of three charged with rape in Norway’s capital were immigrants with a non-western background according to a police study. Norwegian women were victims in 80 percent of the cases.

Of course, we have a nice, gentle PC explanation:
Unni Wikan, a professor of social anthropology at the University of Oslo, in 2001 said that “Norwegian women must take their share of responsibility for these rapes” because Muslim men found their manner of dress provocative. The professor’s conclusion was not that Muslim men living in the West needed to adjust to Western norms, but the exact opposite: “Norwegian women must realize that we live in a Multicultural society and adapt themselves to it.”
Now, isn't that the fanciest way you've ever heard to say "Muslim men have no self-control and are unable to realize that they A: live in a different society here, B: have to obey the law here, not the law they prefer from whatever turd-world* hellhole they came from"?

It's a big problem over Europe, apparently. Check this out: German journalist Gudrun Eussner considers this to be “sexuality as a weapon against disobedient and non-Muslim women, both categorized as “unbelievers”. Against them jihad is the duty, and what to do with women “conquered” in jihad, this may be read in the Qur’an: they become slaves to be used by the victors.”

Go to both places and RTWT. You have to to get the full, disgusting flavor of this crap.

*A post at the Diplomad a couple of years ago, one of his kids who couldn't speak clearly yet said 'third-world' that way; and he realized the kid was right.

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