Thursday, January 11, 2007

Heard from my son this morning

Long but uneventful flight, followed by a long and uneventful bus ride to the base he's stationed at. In-processing ever since, with more of that to come. Got his quarters, learning the base, learning about the area/country, etc.

So he's over there, where the weather's been warmer than standard, just in time to avoid the bloody ice storm they're warning about here for the weekend. Yesterday the last thing I heard was "up to a quarter-inch, maybe as much as a half-inch" depending on the storm track. Now they're saying one inch or a bit more around here, followed by temperatures in the single digits for lows for a couple of days. Yuck. And if there's any way I can, I have to get out in it over the weekend, because I'm considered one of the 'essential personnel' at work. Which really sucks at times.

Oh well, if the glaciers wipe out the house you'll have to look for my frozen body when spring comes. Or next weekend by which time it'll be warming up some.

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