Thursday, January 25, 2007

Among the joys of winter

is the marvelous experience of slipping on the ice and landing on your ass/hip/head/etc. No, I didn't hit my head(so you can't blame anything on that).

I'm kind of in the position of Denny with The Company I Dare Not Name(tcidnn for short): I've got a couple of years to go before retirement, and while I don't know of anybody there who reads this, I'd rather not take the chance so a bit vague this will be.

Due to a combination of things- including stupidity- the place didn't do squat in the parking lot after the ice came down two weeks ago, which meant people falling down. Some just got bruised and sore, a couple were more seriously injured. If they don't sue the place(they should) it'll surprise the hell out of me.

This wasn't the only place demonstrating such dumbassery- unfortunately- so God knows what the total will turn out to have been.

The Oklahoma City and central area of the state really lucked out in all this mess. First the real ice storm wound up falling further east, giving us mostly sleet(quite messy enough, thank you), and then the 'record-breaking snowfall' predicted turned into rain with a little sleet mixed in. Out east they had a lot of damage to power/phone lines & poles, etc. Last I heard there were just a few thousand people left with no power. One thing I will say for the electric companies around here, they're pretty good about getting power restored.

There's supposed to be a 'slight chance of light snow' Saturday, which considering the accuracy level on this crap lately may mean a blizzard descending on the place Friday night.

If you see flares, send booze.

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