Friday, December 01, 2006

Storm aftermath

It stopped snowing a little after 11 last night, and this morning it was between 4-6 inches on the ground, depending on what area you were in. Roads snowpacked this morning, largely clear by afternoon; between the sun being out, temps hitting low 30's and the residual heat in the roads and ground from the warm weather just before this hit.

One of the interesting things about this was that when it first started sleeting the other day, I was alerted to it by thunder. Been a long time since I was in a sleet thunderstorm.

Highest storm total was in Bartlesville, northeast OK, officially 14 inches, with totals above 10 inches thoughout northeast and north central areas. The closed several of the turnpikes, including the Turner between here and Tulsa. As I was heading to work this morning, there was a line of semis about two miles long backed up waiting for it to reopen. When it did reopen around 9, the only vehicles allowed on for a couple of hours were trucks.

So most of it in my area is melted, except for sheltered areas and drifts, and a lot of that will melt tomorrow. Could have been much worse.

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