Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Some of the latest from Britain

Ranging from socialist politicians 'demonstrating their green credentials, to criminals on parole committing crimes(sur-PRIZE, sur-PRIZE!) to just how well that gun ban is working out.

Motorists face a rise in petrol prices today as the Chancellor, Gordon Brown, demonstrates his green credentials in his final pre-Budget statement.

He is preparing to announce the first fuel duty rise for three years, returning to the policy of raising tax on petrol and diesel in line with inflation.
So, inflation makes your money worth less, so the government raises your taxes. After all, the sonsofbitches can spend it better than you.

"But Britain is SO much safer than here!" says someone. Really?
Nearly 100 people have been murdered by criminals on probation over the past two years, official statistics showed yesterday.

In the latest blow to Labour's claims to be tough on law and order, the figures represented a big rise in killings committed by offenders on licence in the community.

Between 2004 and 2006, there were 98 murders by offenders on supervision – 38 last year and 60 the year before – compared to 53 in the preceding two years.

The Home Office data also showed a surge in the number of rapes by offenders on parole or probation - 106 over the two-year period compared with just 18 in 1999.


A policewoman described yesterday how she was left screaming in agony after being shot at point blank range trying to arrest a suspected burglar.


An ice cream salesman who was shot at close range after he served young children from his van was critically ill in hospital last night.

So the Brits will keep passing laws to demonize/penalize anyone with the balls to defend themselves and getting rid of anything that might be considered 'offensive' while the criminals ignore the law(who'da thunk it?)

'Course, if their government has its way, nobody honest will have anything left to steal except their lives.

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