Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Ref the AP 'fake but real' story

First read about the 'people burned alive' story a few days ago. Next thing I read was the 'did this really happen?' questions: in particular, Flopping Aces has been whacking this(just start scrolling down for everything). Then today, Instapundit pointed to this, calling this AP's "60 Minutes Moment".

Which is a real good way to put it. These clowns took a story they apparently didn't bother to actually confirm, from a guy they can't actually show exists, and when they were called on it started the same kind of "How dare you people question US?" crap that Rather & Co. did, and for the same reason: I think they know they can't show the story to be real, they can't produce their 'expert witness', and being seriously questioned on screwing up on this is a real threat to them. So they bluster and insult and "how dare you" and so forth instead of being, I don't know, actual reporters and finding out the facts?

Which feeds into this on this from Bill Roggio on how the troops react to their 'betters' in the major media:
I also overheard an Army specialist sitting behind me curse the media (and I mean curse), saying they didn't know what they were talking about when it came to Iraq. I talked to him, and explained I'm considered a reporter, and that I won't argue with his points. I made him uncomfortable. Had he known I was 'the press' I think he would have kept it to himself.

Gee, now why do you think he might be uncomfortable saying anything around a media rep, hmmmm? Maybe because he sees the evidence of their slant and prejudices every day, maybe?

And one of the sad things about this? AP ran this story because they knew people would believe it, because they know it's the kind of atrocity the terrorists- excuse me, 'insurgents'- would do.

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