Thursday, December 07, 2006

On the subject of whining BPMs

Ran across this at Malkin's place a few days ago, shook my head in disgust and put it aside, then remembered it today.
Fitness USA, a gym chain, is investigating an alleged civil rights violation involving a local Muslim woman who says her afternoon prayer was interrupted by a fellow patron, and that her complaint to management about the situation was rejected.

"The manager told me, 'You have to respect her (the patron), but she does not have to respect your God,' " said Wardeh Sultan of Dearborn. "I've had my membership for seven or eight years, and I've never had a problem with praying there.

I call bullshit. Assuming she's made a point of praying at the gym(and give me a freakin' break on that), and someone said/did something she took offense to, I can't imagine a business manager telling someone that. ESPECIALLY in that part of the country.

Second, I don't trust these people anymore. There are far too many muslims who have shown their willingness to lie in order to get leverage against someone/some company, or just to get publicity. The flying jackasses, for instance. "...her afternoon prayer was interrupted by a fellow patron..." Just what the hell does that mean? She could have decided that someone saying something she didn't like, or using a machine too close or damn near anything 'interrupted her prayer'. No details as to what 'interrupted' her.

Third:Imad Hamad, regional director of the American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, which lodged a formal complaint with Fitness USA on behalf of Sultan, said the recent spate of conflicts results from a growing intolerance of Islam and a growing restiveness among Muslims that their rights to speak freely and worship are increasingly at risk.

"They (Muslims) are resenting that they are to be suppressed from expressing themselves freely, like others," Hamad said.
Of course, because we all KNOW how quiet and unwilling to speak muslims have been at any perceived insult/slight/"You didn't kiss my ass so I call RACISM!!!" This is the standard crap groups like this have been spewing for years, and means nothing. Except they've learned the winning formula: scream that you're a victim when anything doesn't go your way, and lots of people will bend over for you.

I'm sick of this. "We want our team to play yours but you have to ban all males from watching or possibly seeing the game" and "We want you to hand the facility over to us or you're a racist", etc.
Side note: your religeon is not a 'race' you idiot; shut the hell up.
Salam Al-Marayati, executive director of Muslim Public Affairs Council, says the right to petition for special accommodation based on religious beliefs is protected by the First Amendment.

"Whether a woman wants to cover her hair or not is her personal choice," he says. "As long as it's not imposed on the rest of society then I don't see any problem."

The problem, you sorry little shit, is that we're not talking about her 'personal choice' to cover her hair; we're talking about you crying "I'm a victim!" every time someone doesn't bow down to what you want.

To quote Quint, it's enough to piss off the Good Humor man.

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