Thursday, December 07, 2006

More on possible Democrat/Hamas meeting

over at Captain's Quarters. His general thought is A: it would be stupid as hell, B: it would very possibly be illegal, C: the backlash from a lot of people would be incredible if found out.

Know what? We've got a bunch of people who think we're at fault in everything in the world, who think we need to be messed up to make things 'right', and who have been bending over for various terrorist groups and sympathizers in order to be 'sensitive' and pc; so why wouldn't they do it?

Also, from the YNet story:
The Palestinian news agency Maan, quoting a senior member of the Palestinian government, reported Wednesday that "ministers of the Hamas-led government recently held talks with European countries and with a delegation of the American Democratic Party. According to the source, in the talks, the European officials showed their understanding for Hamas' stance.
Oooh, if European countries are involved, then why not some of the Democrats? Since they think we should be following the EU line in just about everything?

Do not mistake me, I would much prefer this be Hamas throwing out crap to try to inflate their position. But I have doubts, based on past words and actions by some of these people. And a very worrisome thing is this from the post at Stop The ACLU:
Stacie Paxton, a spokeswoman for the Democratic National Committee, told WND the party was not aware of any meeting.
Now, think about that wording. It may just be stupidity on the part of this speaker, but it bothers me. I would think that the Democrat Party would be yelling at the top of their lungs "Hell NO!! We DID NOT meet with Hamas like this!" Instead, we get 'the party was not aware of any meeting'. Which really bothers me: it's the kind of Clinton word-game we got so used to. "No the party was not aware of what Rep. and Sen. Whosis and/or their staff members did" is how that could work out.

Check it out for yourself. My stand on 'if it is true' is the same: lamppost, rope, politician.

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