Saturday, December 23, 2006

More on Jimmy(Dhimmi) Carter

and his latest book. If you can call this load of fertilizer a book.

From Instapundit followed a link to this opinion on the matter. I just love this part:
A former president whose legacy has rested on bringing about peace between Arabs and Jews has turned his back on that to become a partisan. A man whose Christian values made him see both sides in a tragic conflict has become blind to one side's suffering. A man who walked in paths of peace has now become an obstacle to peace.

For me, it means the loss of one of my greatest heroes. I have never allowed a snide remark about Jimmy Carter's "failed" presidency to pass without contradicting it. I have said countless times that he is the greatest former president, setting a new standard for that role.

I don't recognize Carter any more. I am afraid of him now, for myself and for my children. He has not just turned his back on the balance and fairness that all peacemaking depends on. He has become a spokesman for the enemies of my people. He has become an apologist for terrorists.

This clown has been sucking up to dictators and crapping on Israel for a long damn time, but after THIS book,"I don't recognize Carter any more. I am afraid of him now, for myself and for my children. Snort. Amazing what it takes to finally turn on the light.

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