Saturday, December 23, 2006

How not to get customers to come back

Office Depot had a Toshiba laptop on sale for a really good price in the last ad, so I went by this evening to look at it. None there, not even a 'sold out' space. Then it took about five minutes to catch someone to ask.

So she calls to the manager(I think) up front, 'do we have any?', and he says "I don't think so". Without looking up, mind you. Girl says "It's worth checking, at least." So he leaves off whatever the hell he's doing, walks over to the ad posted on the wall, looks at it and says "No, we're sold out." Doesn't check stock, nothing. I say thank you and head for the door, and he suddenly ups with "Do you want us to check the other stores?" I say no, and leave.

And won't go back. Hell with them if they can't even bother to post a 'sold out' in the laptop section, and don't want to bother looking for one.

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