Friday, December 08, 2006

And some more information about the Atlanta murder

of an 88-year-old woman. And I do not use the world 'murder' lightly. This should be prosecuted as manslaughter at the least. And yeah, I AM pissed off.

"Your Honor, our informant would not lie to us about something like this!"
It was Fabian Sheats' third felony drug arrest in four months. But on the afternoon of Nov. 21, according to a police report, he was looking to curry favor, so he told officers they could find a kilogram of cocaine in a house at 933 Neal Street N.W.

That encounter led police to the home of Kathryn Johnston, an elderly woman who lived alone behind burglar bars and kept a rusty revolver. When officers burst into the house just three hours after talking to Sheats, a shootout ensued that left the woman dead and three officers wounded. No cocaine was found.

Or maybe "But we would"
Police say they used Sheats' tip to direct a confidential informant to the Neal Street house, where he made a drug buy, leading them to conduct the raid. A man named Alexis White later came forward to say he is a longtime informant and police asked him to lie after the shootings and say he bought drugs at the address. Police will not say who the informant was.

As McQ says, "A known felon, busted 3 times in 4 months and attempting to find favor with arresting officers throws out an address.

3 hours later, armed with a no-knock warrant, police invade the home of Kathryn Johnson. 3 hours. How does one do the appropriate police work necessary to verify the story Sheats has given and obtain a warrant?"
"And the officers in question are still trying to claim it was a good bust because a small amount of marijuana was found in the Johnson home. My guess. Directly from the pocket of one of the officers to the floor of the home ... a little "back up" in case there really were no drugs on the premises."
And as of now, with what we know,is there ANY reason to doubt they'd do this?

I don't know which is worse, as more details come out; the sick feeling in my stomach, or the rage that I feel.

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