Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Was listening to Glenn Beck this morning,

and he had a guy from the 'Islamic Thinkers Society' on near the end. Asking him about the chants of 'the real Holocaust is on its way' and stuff about mushroom clouds and Israel going away his society was doing.

His answers to everything boiled down to
Sharia law will solve everything
The muslim flag will fly over the White House
Israel would help save the world by going away
Israel is the primary cause of all bad things in the world, etc.

He did NOT want to answer just where the mushroom cloud was coming from, other than referencing it to gods' doing of course.

One thing I don't think me meant to say was when Beck asked him something about the U.S. flag he referred to it as 'your flag'. And got first evasive and then defiant when called on it.

Always interesting to hear from the enemy.

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