Sunday, November 19, 2006

Speaking of climate change BS,

The Telegraph today has (ta-daaa!) Al Gore responding to the two previous articles. In usual fashion.
And, despite Viscount Monckton's recycled claims about the so-called "hockey stick" graph (an old and worn-out hobby horse of the pollution lobby in the US), this faux controversy has long since been thoroughly debunked.
Yeah, Al, but the problem is it's been debunked as crappy math(and bias) by the people who created it.

It's full of the usual 'all real scientists agree' crap. And has the title of At stake is nothing less than the survival of human civilization. Etc.

Really, you can boil it all down to this line:To be sure, not all of the finest workings of the climate system are yet fully understood to the finest grain.

Snort. 'to the finest grain' my ass.

And this clown almost became President.

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