Monday, November 13, 2006

A sign of hope from Britain

For kids, anyway

Most of their day is spent outside, even when the rain is falling. The 20 pupils come inside only for breaks and the rest of the time are allowed to roam, to make dens, mud pies and explore.
"Some nurseries say 'Let's go indoors, it's raining'. But we say 'Come on, let's go and splash in the puddles.' " Experts have long argued that school-age children should be allowed to take risks during play but there has been a growing trend for schools and local authorities to curb their chances of adventure for fear of being sued if an accident happens.

Farley is unusual in that it is embracing outdoor play for pre-school children as the route to early learning. Children are allowed to go inside whenever they want, but seldom choose to. During a full day from 8.00am to 6pm, they might only go inside for lunch and two "snack" breaks. The only weather the babies will not allowed out in is fog, said Mrs Palmer, because it is bad for their chests.

Expect the usual suspects to start screaming any time. Children being allowed to play outside? And get dirty? And learn without a computer sitting in front of them? Why, next thing you know they'll be learning to make decisions on their own!

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