Tuesday, November 21, 2006

I just listened to an amazing piece of work

Not musically amazing, damn the luck.

Sometimes I listen to Sean Hannity in the afternoon. He's got one thing going for him above a lot of other interviewers: he'll ask a question, and when the politician/activist/(fill in the blank group) representative talks around it or avoids it, he comes back to it and insists on an answer. He had on today some Congressman from NY, and the big question was on the subject of Alcee Hastings, the impeached judge who Pelosi is pushing to be head of the Intelligence Committee as payback/suckup to the Congressional Black Congress. Hannity asked "Do you think this man should be in this position?" and it was amazing. This rep. dragged in Republicans("Do you condemn..?"), he dragged in everything except the freshly washed cat to avoid answering that. Including "We don't get to vote on that, it's a position the Speaker of the House decides on".

What makes this really good? This rep is one of the people who voted to impeach Hastings. And yet he could not answer yes or no to that question.

Just flat bloody amazing.

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