Tuesday, November 28, 2006

The fecal matter has hit the rotating air-moving device

in that mess in Atlanta. Found the original link on this at Instapundit, then stuff at Reason, both with links to articles. Short version, the informant the raid was based on says that the police lied about what he told them, and that an officer specifically asked him to lie when he was interviewed.

I can't say it any better than in the Reason article: Attack the informant's credibility and you admit that you conducted a high-risk, forced-entry raid based entirely on a tip from an informant you now say is unreliable. You admit you did no corroborating investigation. You admit you didn't even send an officer to check to see if the informant was right about, for example, an external surveillance system. And all of this ineptitude led to the death of an innocent woman, not to mention to three officers getting wounded.

And if the guy's telling the truth? Well, now you're talking about a major-league shit storm. If this guy's telling the truth, not only did the officers originally investigating this case lie on the warrant, but the officers investigating after the shooting then lied again to cover it up. That means you not only have corruption problems with your narcotics officers, but you have problems with your internal affairs unit, the cops who are charged with investigating the abuses of other police officers.

Two of the articles here and here.

This is such a damn mess. On multiple levels.

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