Saturday, November 18, 2006

Blackfive got a screed from a islamist

and takes it apart section by section. One of the points he makes:
9. You said, "I am sure you are all for exterminating the Persians - every single one of them due to US paranoia." NO. I am for exterminating anyone who insists that their religion or their national pride or paranoia demands they kill 4 million Americans because we don't believe in God the same way you do, or we want our women to wear bikinis, go to school, have jobs, make their own decisions instead of only doing what their husband says, and make money on their own if they want to. Your country's mullahs demand obedience and mistreat your entire population. You incite hatred against everyone else, but never against your own people for the atrocities they commit in the name of God. That is bad form in the civilized world. Since Persia used to be so enlightened, you should know that. It is not America who beats your children, breaking their arms under cars when they date someone Dad doesn't like. It is not America who hangs 16 yr old girls for blasphemy. It is not America who stones women for adultery. It is not America who allows women to be beaten just because their old man had a bad hair day. It is not America who imprisons and beats and kills foreigners for taking photos of things they aren't supposed to see. It is Iran and Islam. And I am for killing anyone who tries to force that mentality upon me, my family, or my country.

Read it, it's good

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