Friday, November 03, 2006

And here's a 'Progressive' dream for you

Found this at Tim Blair's place, too:
Former President George W. Bush began serving consecutive life sentences today for High Treason in connection convictions for creating a false casus beli for War with Iraq. He was sentenced to Life plus 100 years. He is also serving a life term for warrantless wiretapping.
And it goes from there. Some of the 'progressive' things they'd like to see happen?
• Former Bush officials sentenced to harvest stem cells in the former Huntsville Penitentiary;

• Rush Limbaugh and Bill O’Reilly convicted for “propaganda”, stripped of their citizenship, and sentenced to life imprisonment;

• Mona Charen “eaten by some wild animal” after escaping prison;

• “Ann Coulter, Michelle Malagang and Judith Miller” denied parole and ordered not to “speak in public or publish for the rest of their lives”;

Note a common thread? Like anyone who wrote/said 'unprogressive' things being imprisoned, being killed, having their freedom of speech stripped?

Again, will someone tell me what's 'progressive' about this crap?

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