Saturday, November 04, 2006

And for a first from me, a quote from Bill Clinton

"The reason we are at this moment is that they do not represent faithfully the Republicans and the more conservative independents in the country. Otherwise, we wouldn't be here tonight," Mr. Clinton told donors at a fund-raiser for Democratic congressional candidates. "This is a sweeping, deep, big thing. . . . If you're a conservative on the budget, on law enforcement, on the rule of law, when it comes to the environment, on the conservation of our military resources, you have to be a Democrat."

Be it said, the first sentance is right; if the idiots in the Stupid Party had stuck to the conservative principles, a: the country would be better off and b: the Evil Party would be LOUDLY whining about 'how the election will be stolen', etc. The big reason the Stupid Party is in such trouble is having pissed off the people back home enough to make a lot of them think hard about staying home next Tuesday.

Otherwise? "If you're a conservative on the budget, on law enforcement, on the rule of law, when it comes to the environment, on the conservation of our military resources, you have to be a Democrat." So far as that goes, Bill has either been smoking funny cigars or is simply proving once again what a wonderful liar he is.

'Course, by his standards "conservation of our military resources" probably means "Drag all the troops home from Iraq and Afghanistan and then trash the military again so we can use the money on social engineering programs".

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