Friday, November 10, 2006

About the cat meat imam and Islam

One of the posts I did about this clown had this in the comments:
The funny thing about the complaints that these men got long sentences is that the punishment for rape in Islam is death.

I, as a Muslim think they got what they deserved. IF it is true that non-Muslim rapists get punished with less time in prison, then there needs to be a public outcry at how any rapist is not punished the same length as a Muslim would. It is dangerous to put rapists back on the streets.

I don't know too much about the Australian gang rape case but if its true the rapists claimed the non-Muslim women were less than human because they are not Muslim..then that just makes me sick to my stomach.

The command from Allah is for Muslims to be an example to others and call others to Islam. Not become arrogant and hate all non-Muslims.

too many Muslims are living in a time of ignorance and TOO MANY good muslims are staying silent about this problem!! And this quote is so true:

"all that is needed for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing"

and this is happening right now. Evil people who are calling themselves Muslims are NOT following Islam!! They say they are but in reality they twist the meanings of verses and teach these twisted meanings to other ignorant Muslims and they are using the twisted verses to justify nothing but pure hatred!!

Yes, the media does play a role in vilifying Muslims (it is a FACT) BUT It is absurd for us Muslims to blame EVERYTHING on the media, the West etc... and not look at the faults of those who are calling themselves Muslims!!

Islam is perfect, Muslims are not!!

too many Muslims think they are perfect--and become arrogant!!

We are supposed to be an example to others, not think we are above them!!

Until us Muslims are more visibly protesting against terrorism, and the denial of womens' rights (It is not Islam that oppresses women, it is Muslims who take their culture over Islam) etc... that so many people will have such a negative view of Islam.

And when I say more visibly I am not necessarily talking about the media. Aren't so many Muslims complaining that he media does not give Muslims opportunities to voice their objections?? Well then we need to go out on the streets and get loud!!! Isn't that even better than one or two Muslims on a news program discussing these issues? The media wouldn't be able to ignore it either.

--rant from an ANGRY Muslimah

The comment was from TJ. Two things to say about this. The first is that I have a problem with the Yes, the media does play a role in vilifying Muslims: most of the major media has basically bent over backwards to avoid anything that would 'vilify' islam; hell, they practically wet their pants at the idea of criticizing Islam. If he's referring to press reports about people like Cat Meat, that's tough; reporting what somebody said is not 'vilification'.

Second, he's exactly right in And when I say more visibly I am not necessarily talking about the media. Aren't so many Muslims complaining that he media does not give Muslims opportunities to voice their objections?? Well then we need to go out on the streets and get loud!!! Isn't that even better than one or two Muslims on a news program discussing these issues? The media wouldn't be able to ignore it either. You start seeing large demonstration of muslims telling the islamists to go to hell, and applauding the freedoms here- including the freedom to criticize religeon- it'll make serious impression on a lot of people.

It would be a help.

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