Monday, September 18, 2006

Some further thoughts on eventual reactions to the RoP

A comment from said the following:
Oh yes, it will be very good for everyone if we get the British, Germans, Japanese, Russians and Chinese back to a killer philosophy. Even better if they all go crazy at once.

Very clever of these muslims to ecourage an attack by today's equivalent of her majesty's Regiments, the Wehrmacht and SS, the Imperial Japanese Army and the Red Armies. Not to mention the Americans. All at the same time.

One problem is that after the 15 minutes it took to destroy all the muslims in the universe the lads might turn on each other.

For the moment overlook the bit about the Chinese and Russians; I think they're already willing to kill anybody anywhere(their governments are) if it'll advance their position. If the Russians had a government that wasn't spending a lot of energy trying to bring back the Soviet state and could properly direct actions against the islamists, there'd be a lot less trouble in that part of the world. But when the Soviet Union fell apart, and the Soviet army fell apart with it, too many people were too busy grabbing power and/or money to actually care about building up Russia. Which is why the mess in Chechnya & assoc. has dragged on so long and been so bad. If the Russians had actually worked to build their military on a modern design as the Russian Army, I think that would've been mostly settled down a long time ago. The Chinese are busy using the islamist states and groups as customers for weapons and to generally cause trouble for everyone else, and between that and knowing exactly how the Chicoms would react to terrorist incidents on their soil, the nutcases have shown restraint there.

All those other countries? Look back through history, and(it's been pointed out before, this is not original to me) every country in Europe has a long history of war and, very often, being highly effective at it. Poland did not survive between two hostile powers for centuries by being weak. In fact, if I remember right the Poles were a large contingent of the forces that stopped the Ottomans cold at Austria. Hungary produced fine officers and shooters, and so on through the countries. For that matter, remember where the Dracula legends began? And why?(hint: 'fighting the Ottomans'). Britain we know about, the problem there being the same as the other countries; EU-suckup 'elites' screwing the nation over in the name of their ideal 'European Union'.

So the islamists finally, somewhere- or several somewheres at once- finally do something so big and/or horrific that the people in a lot of places kick the 'elites' in the ass and out the door and say "Enough". Does anyone except the islamists really think they can't begin kicking ass on a major level? The Poles sent some of their best spec-ops troops to Iraq, and from what I read they're damn good troops, for one instance; what happens when the Polish army and LE forces, for one, get the order to clean house? Or the Brits have enough and decide to remember that overall they were once the best and most respected military forces in the world, and the Brit police are told "Enough with the PC bullshit, time to round up the terrorists; already-trained officers pick up your arms, everyone else we have time for cycles through training, and then Tally-ho!"

So far the Japanese have mostly been concerned with the Chicoms and Norks, happily for them. Tell the truth, unless some idiot decides the old "we need resources so let's conquer Asia" attitude is a good idea(not bloody likely) then a Japanese Self-Defense Force with some serious muscle sounds like a good idea. Among other things, having the Norks worried that a Japanese knockoff development of a EMP bomb will be dropped and fry Dear Leaders' genital stimulation equipment( you don't think the little bastard actually reproduced without help, did you?) seems to be a Good Thing(which would cause damn little harm to the common people there, since electric lights- let alone anything else- are mostly a stranger to them).

Problem with thinking about the good side of this is you have to consider the bad side, and that would be very bad indeed. First in the islamists getting tired of murdering nuns and priests and defiling bodies and committing the aforementioned atrocity at the level that brings this about, then the mess that happens because of it. And I'm very afraid both will happen. Someone wrote about how we can't take it as a given that most of the moslem world actually supports the 'behead those who insult Islam' and murdering people as a part of it attitude, that many may simply be going along with it because they don't want to be a target of the nutcases.

Unfortunately, the answer to that is "So what?" Put a nation in fear of its very survival and it's not going to give a rats ass about how many are supposedly 'our friends we just don't know yet', it's going to say "Time to play whack-a-mole with multiple BIG hammers". At which time they'll have the options of A: help whack the islamic fascists, or B: be taken out with them. And history has shown that lots of innocents WILL be killed, in this case not simply because of the 'fog of war', but because the damned fascists will be using them as shields.

And yeah, in some cases there damn well would be problems after the islamic fascists are whacked; old slights and wars and border disputes might get, let us say, a bit heated. Overall, though, I'm hopeful that in most of the world that wouldn't amount to more than some noise. Some places, like Africa? THAT could get really, really messy.

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