Saturday, September 16, 2006

I am getting pretty damn tired of the 'Religeon of Peace',

seeing as how if anyone says anything that they don't like- for whatever reason- it's an 'attack on Islam' and an excuse to riot and scream and make more death threats.

Guys? I'm sure people more noticeable than I have pointed this out, but if you react to any criticism of your actions or beliefs by threatening to kill everybody in sight, you're not exactly being very peaceful. And you're ruining your supposed reputation as a 'peaceful religeon'. Instead, you're acting like a bunch of spoiled brats who see everything short of falling on knees and converting as an 'attack on Islam' and use it as an excuse to declare jihad and kill people and burn things.

Religeon of peace my ass. If it actually was, you'd have marches by muslims calling suicide bombers and the murderers in Iraq the beasts they are and condemning them. If you disagreed with what the Pope said in the above link, you'd be arguing the point in an intelligent manner, not saying things like "
Benedict would go down in history "in the same category as leaders such as (Benito) Mussolini and (Adolf) Hitler.", and burning people in effigy, etc.

I've been reading Londonistan, and one of the things she points out is that the radicals(whether they actually believe it or not) and the hysterics(who do) claim anything as an 'attack on Islam' and reason for suicide bombings and terrorism in general and so forth. Do anything except fall on your knees before them, and it's an attack.

And I'm really tired of the supposed 'moderate' muslims at least silently going along with it.

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