Sunday, September 10, 2006

How far down the drain would you say England is?

Getting pretty far, I'd say.

At Cam Edwards place, found a link to this story:
A man vowed to keep a glowing garden gnome on display today in defiance of a police notice. Gordon MacKillop even faces possible prosecution over the offending ornament.

He was woken in the night by two police officers who warned him that the solar-powered gnome, dressed in full police uniform, was offensive to his neighbours.

They served him with a notice under the Protection From Harassment Act 1997 for "placing a garden gnome with intent to cause harassment to Mr John McLean".

For a garden gnome?!?

"When you hear a knock at the door at quarter to midnight you don't expect to be served with that," said Mr MacKillop, a marine surveyor at Devonport Dockyard.

No, you wouldn't think so. After reading this I checked the front page. You would think, instead of busting 'harassing' gnomes they'd be dealing with things like this:
A 15-year-old boy gunned down in a city park was an innocent victim in the wrong place at the wrong time, police have said.

Schoolboy Jessie James was shot three times in the early hours of Saturday morning in a public park in Manchester's notorious Moss Side district.

He was shot with a semi-automatic pistol suffering two wounds to his torso and one near his appendix, police said.

He died at the scene.

And, by the way, since handguns are pretty much banned in Britain, how'd the gang weenies get hold of this semi-auto pistol, anyway? Of course, instead of chasing gang-bangers with guns, the police are pretty tied up dealing with dangerous characters like this miscreant:
A mother-of-two faces a possible prison sentence after swearing at yobs who have made her life a living hell.

For more than two years a large group of teenage thugs have hounded desperate Donna Appleyard who has had to endure relentless abuse, threats and vandalism.

But unbelievably, when the 32-year-old finally "snapped" over the constant intimidation and swore at one of her bullies she was arrested by police and now faces a possible prison sentence if she refuses to pay a fine.

A fine, you say? Nay, it should not be! She should be put in the stocks for a day at least!

Donna, who had lived on the estate for the last 14 years, said the problems with kids had grown progressively worse over the last two years until it is now unlivable.

On a daily basis Donna claims her and her two children, James 14, and Holly, 12, have to put up with a 15 strong group of kids aged between 12 and 17 hanging around outside their three-bedroom semi-detached home.

Donna and her neighbours have had to endure paint been thrown on their walls, plants ruined from their gardens, and late night noise from the gang who stay up drinking on the streets.

Those poor little kids are just trying so have some fun! And you put your safety and privacy and home above that?!? You bigot! You hatemonger! You, you swearer!

Things finally came to a head on March 30 when a desperate Donna finally lost her temper and told her tormentors to "please, just f*** off."

The youths ignored her but two weeks later officers called at her home. She was told a 13-year-old girl had made a complaint against her.

Donna was arrested and charged under public order offences.

I should think so! She must have hurt the feelings of the little bastards kids something terrible with that language!

She was handed an £80 fixed penalty notice but refused to pay and was taken to court last month. Magistrates then upped the sum to £120 pounds which Donna must now pay or face a possible jail term.

All funny off. This is a marvelous example of the idiocy that is destroying Britain. The police won't act against the hoodlums, but they will charge you with yelling at them. God forbid you hurt a burglar who attacks you in your home, you'll go to prison for that. An honest subject of the Crown who owns a firearm is treated like a criminal who just hasn't been caught yet, but people who commit a whole range of offenses, including violent ones, now get a damned ticket. And if you're arrested for a variety of charges, the British Government has taken away your right to a trial by jury. You get 'caught' with a bloody pocketknife, and you'll go to jail unless you can show 'need' for posession of it.

And a bunch of jihadi assholes can parade through a city calling for death and destruction, but if you dare to object to what they're saying, you get threatened with arrest for disturbing the peace.

Barring a miracle-level turnaround in the near future, once-Great Britain is gone.

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